Wednesday 15 December 2010

From BoP to BoE: [Vial of the Sands]

Update: there is a new post about this in this blog: Other informations about Vial of the Sands. If you're interested in this item you should check it.

[Vial of the Sands], the cool alchemist potion that has the imbiber transform in a drake, ready to transport another character on his back, is becoming BoE.
This is the new chopper, a flying one!
As the chopper, some of the mats can only be bought from a vendor, and they're really expensive:

1 [Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial], 5.000 gold
8 [Sands of Time], 3.000 gold each = 24.000 gold
= 21.000 gold in vendor-mats.

And then you'll need:
12 [Truegold] (it's the "new Titansteel"), 8x [Flask of the Winds], 8x [Flask of Titanic Strength], 8x [Deepstone Oil] (I linked the recipes so you can mouse over the names and see the reagents... I'm not putting everything there, since you can easily find all you need on this comment page on wowhead).

Now is a bit early to try and get any profit from this (but if you can afford it, there could be some player full of gold that is willing to pay anything for this... good luck), but I wanted to share this good news with all the alchemists out there.
Go and check how Engineers sold their chopper! Now it's your turn.

  • (Updated) Where to find it: 
Now, the thing that makes Vial of the Sands even more valuable is the rarity of the recipe. It's so hard to get that very few, if any, alchemists of a server will have it.
Has far as it's known now, the recipe only drops from [Canopic Jar], which are found trough Archaeology discoveries, using Tol'vir artifacts... So you'll need 450 points in Archaeology to have a chance to find the recipe (it seems that  [Canopic Jar] don't have 100% chance to drop the recipe).
Note: although the [Vial of the Sands] itself is BoE, the recipe to make it ([Recipe: Vial of the Sands]) is BoP. So be sure you're raising Archaeology on your Alchemist (if you don't have a good reason to raise it on another character... But most of the items are BoA, so it shouldn't be the case)
I already made a post about Archaeology. This profession can be more valuable for certain classes than others, and the [Vial of the Sands] could remain the only way to make a profit out of it... But if you were already planning on raising Archaeology (for the BoA vanity items or for the BoA weapons) consider doing it on your alchemist.

Update: there is a new post about this in this blog: Other informations about Vial of the Sands. If you're interested in this item you should check it.

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