This is a follow-up from my post
What should I do?.... I wanted to report what I did with all that material (well, not all... let's say one third of it)... For those of you who wonder how having problems with this is possible, look at
Zoxy's "What should I do?" post... Yes, Zoxy had my same problem, as many others! It's funny we choose the same name for our posts ^_^ I posted just ten days earlier, so this is clearly a problem of these weeks.
I'm still drowning in a huge amount of gems, but things actually started working great. What really did the trick is this comment from Altolycus, from
ALTOs Gold"ish" Advice- The Worst WoW Blog Ever!:
What has also worked for me is checking the opposite faction and seeing the prices over there. Normally, the major farmers hit one side and not the other.
I know I should have thought about it, but sometimes the most obvious solution are the most difficult to find!

I sent to my Horde toon 15 stacks of
[Greater Celestial Essence], 10 stacks of
[Hardened Elementium Bar] and a lesser quantity of some other things (two stacks of
[Hypnotic Dust], a Darkmoon Fair card of which I had three and the usual pets). My alt didn't have a lot of gold, just 3k (I had transfered some expensive items the other way round just days before). Next evening it had 25k, and I didn't had sold half of what I had sent.
[Greater Celestial Essence] where going for ~80g each (40g Alliance side),
[Hardened Elementium Bar] for nearly 200g (120g Alliance side). Prices dropped a bit in the following days, so acting by without checking Horde's AH for sometime actually did me good. Prices are still a bit higher than in the Alliance, and things move faster.

This gave me the ability of smelting nearly all the Elementium I had left (I just have other 50 stacks in Ore form now) and made me trust disenchanting a bit more.
What I'm doing is keeping
selling hardened elementium bars, but now to both faction... That's a lot quicker!
So, thanks Altolycus!
Dailies aren't enough to get rid of
[Zephyrite] and
[Jasper], and I still hadn't time to craft all the
[Jasper Ring] I should... When I have some spare time I cut a bunch of
[Zephyrite] and sell them to the vendor. If some "Perfects" proc, I try to sell them on the AH, no more than two at a time (I vendor the others. No way I'll keep all of them in my bag).
[Alicite] Is the worst so far, since
[Alicite Pendant] don't sell at any price (at least on my server).
[Alicite] is consistently put in the AH under the vendor price of the cut version... Usually around 8g 50s, but I'm not buying them since the work of cutting and vendoring is quite long and boring even considering just the
[Alicite] I already have.
[Hypnotic Dust] is going for 10g, and not selling very well. Since
[Alicite Pendant] really don't sell, I still don't think crafting
[Alicite Pendant] would be great. There isn't really a lot of profit I can make from them.
The same applies to
[Jasper Ring], but since the
[Jasper Ring] already repay themselves (
[Jasper] is aroung 9g on my server, while
[Hypnotic Dust] is sold at 10g each), I don't have any problem in crafting them.

I still have a big amount of
[Shadowspirit Diamond], but they're starting to sell (both cut and raw)... I get 10k just this night from selling them. I started whispering to other seller searching those who will agree not to undercut me if I post things exactly at the same price they are posting them, making them doing the same for me. Some of them actually thanked me! I now have to be less vigilant on the AH and this actually helped my sanity a lot.
I'm selling some
[Shadowspirit Diamond] every day, for prices that can vary a lot... from 140g to 330g!

I haven't tried engineering pets yet, since I don't have an engineer alt. I should have started to work with a friend of mine (the same that helps me cross-trading), but we were both quite busy in the last days.
It also seems that botters are having an hard time now, due to some hotfixes made by Blizzard... This could very well reduce my problems if the AH stops to be flooded by raw mats. I'm actually still seeing some gold-farmers, but surely less than before (this supposing that people with name composed by twelve random character are gold-farmers).
I have still a lot of
[Obsidium Ore] stockpiled, so this would really be great!
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